Monday, March 5, 2012

Celebrating Two Years Of Blogging!

How time flies and it is hard to believe that I have been blogging for two years.  Even more amazing are some of the wonderful friendships that I have been blessed with!   This is something we all do for the love of the craft, but we receive that extra benefit of friends and a ton of knowledge along the way.  Before I tell you about my blog candy, which is as sweet as can be, let me show you my tag! 
What a coincidence that Mr. Holtz decided to use one of his new wood background stamps for the March 12 Tags of 2012, just as mine arrived so quickly from Inspiration Emporium!  And as the luck of the Irish would have it, Inspiration Emporium is Going Green for their monthly challenge.  Gingersnap Creations GC140 is for Two Colors.  Other than the stamped woodgrain and sentiment, all colors used are greens.  That would also include my glitter grout.  It was very difficult to capture the greens in my tag background, but green is there!  The entire background was inked with Distress Inks, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss and Pine Needles.  I just love these butterflies and how with that added Glossy Accents, it really looks like mosaic tiles!  Fun, Fun, Fun!
Now for my blog candy in celebration of my Two Year Anniversary and today just so happens to be our 29 year anniversary, this is what I have for one of my fabulous followers!
Cool or What?
When I saw Inspiration Emporium were/are having a Pre-Order offer, I placed my order.  Who can resist 10% off and free domestic shipping to boot, which is still going on by the way.  Then I thought that someone out there would really love a set of these new Distress Markers and with my blog anniversary fast approaching, I asked if it would be possible to pre-order two sets and the answer was obviously, YES!  So all you have to do is to comment here and be a follower of my blog.  It is that simple and if you would like a second chance at winning, add my giveaway on your sidebar and let me know that you have done so.  This Blog Candy will end at midnight March 31st and I will announce the winner on April 1st. 

Again I want to thank all of you who are followers and take the time to visit and comment.  You never know what those little comments can do for someone!


Jingle said...

Your tag is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and WOW! What a an awesome giveaway! Happy Anniversary AND Congratulations on your blogiversary! :-)

1CardCreator said...

Love your tag Terry! The butterflies are gorgeous. Happy Blogaversary to you. I already pre ordered mine too so leave me out of the drawing, but I will post a button in my sidebar for you.

Shelly Hickox said...

Beautiful tag, Terry! Congrats on your anniversary!

hazel said...

A fabulous tag, I love the butterflies. Congragulations on your blogiversary.
xxx Hazel.

KarenMC said...

I love the colors you used on your tag, and the glitter grout.

Pam said...

Wow Terry, your tag is just lovely! Your mosaic butterflies are perfect!! Happy Anniversary, and Blogaversary!! Have a wonderful day! And your blog candy is fantastic, someone is going to be extremely happy!!

Laura said...

Nice Tag! I'm sure if t!m himself would be pleased. I've still yet to give it a go....looking forward to sitting at the craft table tho.
Happy Blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

So much to celebrate but first let me wish you and your husband Happy Anniversary!!!!
Then Hip! Hip Hooray! Two years of Blogging, doesn't it just whizz past. Thank goodness you started a blog otherwise I never would have had your friendship or got to view your incredible art.
That actually looks like wood, how amazing! Stunning tag, no surprise there then lol.
A fabulous Giveaway especially when I didn't even know they existed. DI are my favourite inks because of their beautiful, vintage colours so this is very exciting.
I will of course add to my sidebar.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Super tag and I loooove your mosaic b-flies...verrrry coooool! Two is to the next 22!!! years. I wonder if people will still be blogging then?? Very nice candy...makes my sweet tooth hurt...but you say you will announce the winner on what???? APRIL FOOLS DAY...omg...are you kidding me:):)
Throw my name in the hat please. I´d be the first to have those things over here. I´d have to guard them with my life. I´d have to hire a bodyguard!!!Have a great start to a new week!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Terry, your tag looks fantastic. Congrats to your blog anniversary :) Hope there will be many more years to come.
And wow... your blog candy is really generous.

Gio said...

Terry , thanks for your generosity!

Happy blogaversary!

jennifer said...

wonderful tag! congrats on the anniversary!

cheryl said...

Oh Hun,your TAG is simply fantastic,the texture and detail is amazing,massive congratulations Hun on your blog anniversary sweetie and oh I have looked at those pens and thought oh how I would love to have those so bless your heart Hun,for the most wonderful chance to win them,love hugs Cherylxxxx
will pop them on my side bar Hun

newfiecrafter(Marilyn) said...

Love your tag the butterflies are beautiful . Happy Anniversary and also congrats. on your 2nd blogversary. I'm already a follower and will be posting your button on my blog.

shari said...

Love your tag! Happy Blogaversary, I'm a follower and would love to win your awesome blog candy. Shari (cricutrookie)

Winnie said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I am only on day 3 of my blog, so I can imagine how excited you must be. Love your tag. The green and brown colors are great together. Love the background and all the details.

Valerie-Jael said...

Congrats on your anniversaries! Valerie

Lisa Somerville said...

Love the papers for your mosaic butterflies! Beautiful tag! Congrats on both your blogoversary and Anniversary! Fabby prize - can't wait to see what you create with yours!

Lisa Somerville said...

Love the papers for your mosaic butterflies! Beautiful tag! Congrats on both your blogoversary and Anniversary! Fabby prize - can't wait to see what you create with yours!

Kathy Eddy said...

Great tag as always Terry. I love your butterflies and the metal flowers are great on there. Happy Anniversary and happy blogaversary as well. Great give-away to someone lucky!

Netty said...

woo hoo am joining the queue on this fab giveaway, thank you Terry.
Loving your tag and your butterflies are perfect, the glitter grout is a fab effect.
Congratulations on your anniversary. May you have many more, x

Unknown said...

Fab tag Terry , love the metal embellishments.
Hugs Elaine

judyjstamper said...

Terry - Congrats on your wedding anniversary - how wonderful! And also your blogiversary.

Lovely lovely lovely tag. Tim's wood background looks like the real thing!

I've been a follower for some time now and posted your candy on my blog too. This is an awesome gift and after seeing his video, these markers went on my wish list! :)

Unknown said...

Goodness Terry, I thought your tag was made out of actual wood veneer or something! Love those butterflies, very sweet. Congrats on your two years of blogging, I have posted your way too generous giveaway in my sidebar. Cheers, Ira

Lyneen said...

Love your tag! WOW! 29 years CONGRATS!!!! and on 2 years Congrats!

I am now a follower... WHAT AWESOME blog candy... Thanks so much for sharing.

Debs Doodles and More said...

love your rendition fo Tim's tag. The colors are so rich in the butterflies. I really think the gold made it so much richer looking!
Happy 2 years of blogging

Sandra said...

First off congratulations on your anniversary!
This tag is gorgeous! I love the mosaic technique too! It's so pretty.
And your so right about making friends and learning lots and lots of each other. Love to get comments too. It makes my day to know that someone likes my art and takes the time to post a comment to let me know that!

Have a wonderful day!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Congrats on your blog-versary! I would love to win those pens. And I love your butterflies. Such a fun technique - my version is going up on my blog tomorrow.

Marjie Kemper said...

Congratulations, Terry! I'm so glad you are blogging as this is how I've found out about you. Love your work and your writing style. It's always a pleasure visiting! I already have those fab markers so keep me out of the hat on your generous giveaway. Hugs!

Alie Hoogenboezem-de Vries said...

Congrats Terry with your 2 years in Blogland.
You've made a great tag with gorgeous butterflies!

greetings, Alie :-)

Cath Wilson said...

Great tag and something new I've missed, drat! I need that stamp. Love the flutterbies with it, too. Happy Anniversary and Happy Blogoversary! Isn't the world of blogging a great place. A very generous offer - thank you! Cath x

JoAnne said...

Happy Blogiversary Terry! I'm celebrating 2 years the end of this month also. It flew by, didn't it? So happy to have you as one of my blog friends. Your blog is ALWAYS an inspiration and your friendship is most appreciated.
Fabulous giveaway and you know I'm a follower.
Here's to many more!


What an awesome tag. The wood stamp is great and looks so real. Thanks for sharing.

Happy March, you have a lot to celebrate!

Deb Neerman said...

Happy Blogoversary, Terry!

Firstly, I must say, I love your March Tim tag ... it's fab!

And WoW, amazing blog candy! Who wouldn't love to win this amazing prize? Please count me in.

And, oh, I'm a follower ... have been for awhile now. Thanks for the chance, Terry!

Sharon said...

Fantastic tag Terry - love the woodgrain background!! Congrats on your Blogaversary!!

Vada said...

Way Too Cool, both Tag and Goodies.
Posted Blog Candy in my side bar.
Hugs Vada

Ann said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!!!
Happy Anniversary to you both!!!
lovely tag.
I'd love a chance to win!!!! Distress still my heart!! generous!!

Ink Art Designs said...

This is a beautiful tag Terry! And I LOVE the mosaic did you get that effect under the glossy accents??? I'ld love to have a go at that!
And happy anniversary to you and your OH today! 29 years is awesome.
And....congrats on your 2nd blogaversary ~ you are incredibly generous to have these markers as a giveaway.
Dot x

Meggymay said...

Gorgeous tag, love the wood grain background.
Congratulations on your anniversaries and the chance to win your awesome, generous blog candy.
Yvonne x

Dee in N.H. said...

Love your tag! Happy anniversaries to you and congrats too!!

Cazro said...

A very generous offer. Wonderful tag too. Congratulations on your anniversaries. Caz

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Happy Blogger Anniversary and real marriage anniversary! My favorite pea!

Love your tag! Sooo sweet just like U!

Sherry said...

Happy Anniversary to you both Terry - and happy blogaversary too - time really does fly when you're having fun! Your wood grain and mosaic tag looks wonderful!
You are too generous offering that fantastic candy!

Kristen said...

Happy Anniversary! I started following you from the last Tim tag, and I'm glad I did - you have lots of fun things and our styles are similar, and thanks for following me too!! I love what you did with your tag, the shimmer of the 'grout' looks great. Such generous blog candy too, you are too sweet. Thanks for a chance to win, see you around in blogland Terry!

Cheri said...

Congratulations, Terry....two anniversaries and so much to celebrate!!! Your tag is a beauty! Love that woodgrain stamp and those butterflies are GORGEOUS!

Cheri said...

Congratulations, Terry....two anniversaries and so much to celebrate!!! Your tag is a beauty! Love that woodgrain stamp and those butterflies are GORGEOUS!

Lynn Stevens said...

Happy Anniversary Terry!!!!

Your tag is so cool, it looks like some of my faux wood walls. Hey you could always do an entire wall with it! Wonder how long that would take? LOL

I'm so glad we met.
Big hugs GF

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Congrats on your Anniversary, first to DH, then on your blog! Your tag turned out beautiful....the close up of the mosaics is so cool, really shows off your work! Your bg stamp is great, and I didn't think I would need that one! Your giveaway is just unbelievable! How generous GF! hugs

Christine said...

I have loved following your blog and looking at your beautiful artwork!!! Would love a chance at some Distress Markers!

Christine said...

I'm off to put a photo on my sidebar!

Shelly Schmidt said...

WOw- how cool is this tag- I love the background and Whao- love the butterflies. Congrats on your blogversary- what an awesome giveaway!!!

Shelly Schmidt said...

Back again- I posted your candy on my sidebar : ) Wahoo!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Your tag is beautiful. Happy blogaversary!

Michele said...

whoa that tag is unbelievable! awesome. love that wood grain stamp and all the subtle greens. beatiful work as always. wow, would i love to get those markers! so please count me in twice -- i'm already your follower and i am going to put your blog candy button on my side bar RIGHT NOW!!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Double congratulations to you! Love the tag and butterflies! please put me in for the drawing! what a wonderful prize that would be for someone like me. THank you.

Christine said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogvesary. The tag is amazing. I like anyrhing with butterflies. The woodgrain design is perfect. Good luck to all taking part in the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful tag. I just love the wood grain.. Congrats on your 2 year blogaversary. That looks like some fun candy your giving away!!

Hugs, Linda

2amscrapper said...

Happy celebrating Terry! What a wonderful giveaway! The stars were aligned for your tag. It is perfection.

Shelley said...

I love the mosaic look butterflies! Fantastic tag Terry. I will post your blog candy in my sidebar now.

Margreet said...

Congrats on those 2 happy anniversaries....I discovered your blog via via and I love much TH....I became a follower and placed your awesome candy in my sidebar....this tag is gorgeous by the way!
xxx Margreet

Ellie Knol said...

Congratulations on your 2-year anniversary! I wouldn't mind winning those markers!

Ellie Knol said...

forgot to say, I love your card!
And I am adding your candy to my blog's sidebar!

Annelies said...

Happy blogoversary and anniversary! You tag is fantastic! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win this amazing candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Unknown said...

What a fabby chance to get this candy. A wonderful CONGRATULATIONS to you hun. I would like two chances as I will pop this in my blog side bar as well I am already a follower I think if not I soon will be thank you hun Dawn xx

Brenda Brown said...

What a fabulous take on Tim's tag Terry, love the colours and your butterflies worked perfectly.
You are so generous to offer such a magnificent candy. Congrats on your 2 year blogaversary and here's to many more to come. Just off to post a pic for you.
hugs{brenda} xox

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Oh my goodness Terry, what an AMAZING candy - wooooow!!! Thank you so much for a chance to win, I will definitely spread the world! ;))
And your tag is just gorgeous! Thank you hunni! xx

Kim said...

Hi Terry. Congratulations on your 2yr anniversary. What a generous give away. Love your new tag!

Carol W. said...

Terry I love love your tag, the wood background and butterflies are fabulous! Congratulations on two wonderful years - CHEERS to many more, your creativity is amazing and I am always inspired. Thank you for the chance to win such AWESOME blog candy. You are too generous. hugs Carol

Electra said...

A GAZILLION Cheers, Terry! Let's see, that means you were creating secretly for, um, 27 years before that right? Cus I'm sure you're not a day over 29. Happy Blogiversayry!

Electra said...

Oop, and I"ve put your button on my sidebar!

Kathyk said...

Your tag is simply SPLENDID

Great candy, I'm a follower and have put your candy on my sidebar

Happy Wednesday


Lisa said...

I love how your wood grain stamp looks with your mosaic butterflys -- it turned out great. And Happy, Happy Anniversaries to you!! Wow, 29 is amazing...and a rarity these days. So happy for you both. And look how far you've come in 2 blog your artistry in all you do. I'm glad to be a small, small part. =)

Shirl said...

That is one sweet tag Terry and happy anniversary.

Off to put on my side bar.

Hugs Shirley x x

Alexa said...

The woodgrain looks so realistic and I love those butterflies - beautiful! Happy blogiversary!

Mervi said...

Stunning prize, just what I want next...thanks for this chance!
I'm now your follower too, so I can pop later - and put this to my blog's sidebar also.
All the best for you;-))m

Claire said...

Gorgeous tag and equally delicious candy Terry. The background on that tag is amazing. Congratulations on your anniversary and your blogaversary too. I'm off to pop your candy on my sidebar
Claire xx

Anke said...

A fabulous tag, I love the butterflies. Congragulations on your blogiversary.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful candy. I put it on my sitebar.
hugs Tessa & Anke

Minxy said...

Absolutely love how you framed your tag, and wow how generous to offer up a set of those must have pens, I would be honored to be in your draw, and congrats on your 2 year blog'oversary :)

Hettie said...

Beautiful tag Terry. Those flutterbies are gorgeous.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Blogaversary!

CuddlyBunny said...

Terry! I don't know what to comment on first! Your wedding anniversary, blog-a-versary or your ah-mazing tag!

Happy 29 years with your beloved! What a wonderful milestone!

Happy second blog-a-versary my friend! You call your candy sweet as can be, but it's really YOU who is the sweetest ... just look at the list of followers and commentors!

And your tag! I LOVE IT! The colors and design are fantastic!

Ephemera said...

Hi Terry, love your tag the background is amazingly effective as are your gorgeous butterflies. Congratulations on your two wonderful years of blogging and it's lovely to be on the FSC design team with you. Will add you to my side bar later with your lush and very generous blog candy. X

Wenche said...

Lovely acndy. Have a nice day.

Nikki said...

Beautiful tag love the wood effect and Congrats on your Blogoversary too thank you for the chance to win such amazing candy I saw a video for these Tooo COOL
I've linked you up
hugs Nikki C

Mina said...

oh your tag is stunning, I love the butterflies so much...oooohhhhh drool to your amazing candy, I colour with distress inks and these would be so amazing for it...thank you for the chance to win
Mina xxx

Bhawana said...

Congratulations dear for 2 years completion. Loved your blog and you have so many beautiful project which are inspiring me a lot. Thanks dear for the chance of winning too.

Yvonne Garner said...

Hi Terry, Your tag is Tim worthy, for sure! Sincere congratulations on your two-year anniversary in blogland! I certainly am so glad to have met you. Off to post your blog candy on my sidebar. Take care. Yvonne

Shelby said...

Congrats on two years! And dang that tag actually looks like it was made out of wood...gorgeous work


Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

89!!! This tag is rocking awesome girl! Is that real wood, cause if it's not you are a replicate genius! This tag is absolutely stunning! I love the way you backed it as well!

Elin said...

Amazing candy and sweet tag :) Grats on your blogaversary to! You have a link in my blog back to yours. Thank you for the chance to join this cany :)

Виола said...

Nice to meet you, Terry! Congratulations! Wish all your good ideas and special dreams come true!
I'll be happy to win such adorable candy!!!

Chris Arlington said...

wow Terry, I love that wood grain background. Fabulous tag !
I see you signed up for Tim's class too. I can hardly wait.

trisha too said...

Well, I thought I'd left a comment, because I remember looking at those gorgeous butterflies, but I'm not seeing it . . . maybe it was one of those "up too late" times!

First, those butterflies ARE AMAZING!

Congratulations on your blogaversary, Terry!


trisha too said...

And you are linked up in my sidebar, of course!


Debi said...

Wow 2 years!!! time flies, another great tag Terry, a very generous giveaway too, I must be coming up to my 2 year anniversary too :-) have a great weekend, Debi x

stamping sue said...

Your tag is terrific! congratulations on your 2 year at blogging.
stamping sue

Anonymous said...

Fabulous tag Terry, the background looks amazing ! Congratulations on your 2 year blogging anniversary too! You are very kind to offer such fantatic blog candy in celebration. Just off to pin it to my side bar. Sue C x

Mrs.B said...

Hi Terry, Congratulations on Two years of Blogging.
This is fabulous candy, and a fabulous tag. Love the butterflies.
Avril xx

Astrid Maclean said...

Hey, I found you via, via, via, as so often happens in the blogging world...
Your tag is just beautiful as are so many of your pieces.

Congratulations on two years of blogging and what an amazingly generous candy! I will put a picture in my side bar and will be following you too from now. So glad I found you!

Fliss said...

Wow Terry! A gorgeous tag with a fabulous background.
Many congratulations on your 2 years as a blogger and what a generous and fantastic giveaway - how can I resist!
Off to post on my side bar for you too.
Thanks and hugs, Fliss xx

Lorraine said...

wow this is every crafters dream me thinks thankyou so very much for the chance of winning and happy blogaversary sweetie xx

Lorraine said...

I have added your candy to my blog too xx

Emma said...

I really like your blogg, it's a really inspiration. And congrats on your blogiversary.

Karen Goulet said...

What a lovely tag. Happy Anniversary to your blog! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!

Karen :)

LeslieT said...

How awesome! A GORGEOUS tag, wonderful 29 years with hubby, a 2-year Blogaversary AND awesome blog candy! I'm in! I'm a new follower and love your blog, by the way! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

LeslieT said...

Hi, it's me again, letting you know that a pic of your candy and link to your blog is on my left sidebar - My Candy Bar.

Sarah said...

I really like your version of Tim's March tag! And of COURSE I would LOVE to win a set of Distress Markers!!! EEEkk! That would be fabulous!! Thanks so much for the chance to win! I'm a new follower, and not just because of the fab candy, but I am totally inspired by your craftiness! Happy 2 year blogoversary!!

Glennis F said...

Oh yes - I would love to win a set of these. I don't know when they will be available in this country, so to win would be an absolute thrill. Thanks for the chance

AngelicaS said...

So glad I found your blog through your blog candy, you do amazing things. Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for a chance to win!!

Anreda said...

Great Tag....gorgeous !
Your candy is on my nlog and my fingers are crossed.

Greerings Anreda

KayJay said...

Happy Anniversary Terry! I am new to The ATT group and I have had so much fun visiting amazing blogs like yours. You must be very proud.

I am in the process of creating my blog and I hope that when I am done, you would allow me to "wear" your blogs button proudly! I have signed up to receive updates so thcreate wont miss a moment of your creative genius that you so willingly share
I left a different email than the one associated with this post because it is the one I use most often. (
Happy Creating, and I look forward to a future opportunity for a collaborative extravaganza!
aka KayJay

toni said...

Lovely work Terry, I can't decide whether to go with butterflies or birds for my Tim tag. your blog candy giveaway is very generous! Hmmm! delicious. I will have a go at posting onto my blog congratulations and may you enjoy many more happy years of crafting and blogging x

Vicki Romaine said...

My what a wonderful candy gift! Happy Anniversary. I really would be thrilled with the pens. Maybe, maybe just maybe.

Gez Butterworth said...

awe, I know what you mean about those little comments, aren't they soul lifting!

Enjoy your new pens when they come! They look great don't they.

Many Congratulations on your Blogaversary and your 29th Anniversary.. I'm celebrating 28 in May!

Your creations are inspirational.


Melissa R. said...

Congrats on your "blogiversary"!! I just found your blog from Tim's Creative Chemistry 101 class! So I'm now a new follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Hurja Hilma said...

So lovely tag and wow, what a candy! :)

Mia said...

Nice tag and congrats to two years of blogging!
My "must have" cells in my brain just told me to join this party! Haha! I am going to put this in my sidebar right now! Thanks for being so awesome and generous! have a nice day! /Mia

Tkat said...

happy blogaversary to you!!!!!! :) you have a wonderful blog here -- love your creations. :)

thanks so much for the chace at the generous candy. like wow!!!! i've added your candy to my blog sidebar. :)

Luanne said...

Gorgeous tag! love the wooden patterns and lovely butterflies. Happy anniversary to you and congrats to your blog anniversary. I'm international so I hope I can join.

Gez Butterworth said...

Hi Terry.. I've added your link to my sidebar.

Wishing you a great weekend. Gez.

mandy said...

Gorgeous Tag Terry congratulations on 2 happy years of blogging and of course a big thank you for the very generous candy your offering off to pop u in my sidebar now hun thanks again hugs Mandy xx

2amscrapper said...

I'm back to tell you I posted the photo and link in my candy jar on my sidebar!

Officer Mom said...

Thank You for offering this awesome blog candy. Im going to post it on my blog. Hugs...

SandyD said...

Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging. Fantastic giveaway. Antonia told me about your great blog .

SandyD said...

Oops! forgot to say I've joined your blog and I'll try and get a picture of your candy on my blog.x

sara j said...

Happily I do follow your blog (I know this because I just discovered the list of all the blogs I follow somewhere on my blog!). I love your mosaic birds...they are very lush and beautiful. And then I saw it was your anniversary!! Two years (i'm at like 2 months). Congratulations. And should I be the lucky winner of what I am sure will be fabulous markers I am thanking you in advance. Keep on making art!

Kika Florence said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kika Florence said...


I'm a Brazilian and i follow your blog. I'm a craft bookbinder.
Your tag is so beatiful. Happy blogaversary !
I would be happy to be selected... of couse!


March 20, 2012 4:46 PM

Wanda said...

HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY to you & your husband...and happy BlogIversary to YOU!! And happiness to me because I found your blog page! Your giveaway also makes me happy as I enjoy doing calligraphy... thanks for a chance to win!

flutterbycrafter said...

Happy Anniversary. Cool creations on your blog, wonderful work. I've added it to my side bar and become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lin said...

Now that's what I call Candy! Happy Blogversary. Your tag is lovely and those butterflies quite amazing!

Lin xx

Стю said...

Hi! I'd like to join your candy! Thanks!

Любава said...

Thanks for chance! Happy Blogaversary!
Became your follower with pleasure and posted your candy on a right sidebar of my blog.

iReneM said...

Oooh, what a gorgeous tag. The wood BG is great for those wonderful butterflies.
Congrats on your anniversaries - Hubby and I will 'celebrate' 49 yrs on the 30th (eeek) I didn't realise I was sooo old, LOL.


Lorianna said...

Love those butterflies,
very sweet.
Congrats on your two years of blogging,
I have posted your way too generous giveaway in my sidebar.
These would be sooooo SUPER excited to win these
I'm drooling!!

lavina agarwal said...

lovely tag what a nice candy..i am your new follower
Happy anniversary and blogiversary!!


Nina said...

Love what you have done here ! The butterflies are really beautiful :-)
Amazing what one can create with some colors and some tools (like glossy accents....)
Congrats with you blogaversary - have added you candy to my side bar. What a lovely price to win - keeping my fingers crossed

:-) Nina

cebelica said...

First of all: happy blogaversary! :D
Your tag is very beautiful. I love, love, love those butterflies. And wow, youare so generous for giving us the chance to win such amazing candy. Thank you very much for the chance! xx

Anonymous said...

Hi! And a very Happy Anniversary and Blogversary!! Time flyes dosen't it? Mine will be 4 years in June. Usually I have a giveaway, but was so busy last year and I forgot to do anything, but this year I will have a giveaway too :-)How nice! Distressed markers! Im taking Tims class and its wonderful don't you think? I really love your tag and luckly I have so much Tim stuff already, but did invest in some more Archival inks...Didnt get and distressed pens :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! And a very Happy Anniversary and Blogversary!! Time flyes dosen't it? Mine will be 4 years in June. Usually I have a giveaway, but was so busy last year and I forgot to do anything, but this year I will have a giveaway too :-)How nice! Distressed markers! Im taking Tims class and its wonderful don't you think? I really love your tag and luckly I have so much Tim stuff already, but did invest in some more Archival inks...Didnt get and distressed pens :-)

Rosalee said...

Hi Tarry. Happy Blogaversary to you. Lovely candy. Thanks for the chance.
I'm a new follower.
Hugs, Rosalee

Rosalee said...

I've also linked your wonderful giveaway to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Manu said...

Wow..great March's tag interpretation and congrats for your anniversary!
Thanks for your generous candy: Distress Markers are in everyone wishing list!
Hugs and creativity from Italy

Mihaela said...

Congrats on your anniversaries!!!
Your tags are very cute, love these butterflies!
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!!!

Miriam Prantner said...

Congrats on your anniversary and blogaversary. I'm a new follower, your work is lovely!

PlumTuckered's Paper Plays said...

I love your Tag! Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the chance to win such amazing Blog Candy..I've been dreaming about those Markers LOL

NatalieBramasole said...

number 147,hihi,so,i just discover your blog and it is amazing what you have done,so many beautiful things and i am thankful to be in the opportunity for the giveaway.Congrats,dear on your blogary!!! :)
big hugs

Unknown said...

Congrats on your anniversary!
Your tag is very pretty!

Forest Fairy said...

Hi Terry, congratulations on your 2nd Blogaversary and Anniversary! I wich you love and happiness! This is an amazing candy! I have posted your blog candy on my sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win it :)

Evelyn S. said...

Congratulations! That tag truly looks like wood! I'm happy to become a follower of your blog.

Photo Gal Jan said...

Awesome blog and paper crafting!
Happy Blogerversary!

Chris said...

What a wonderful treat! Just discovered your blog and am so fascinated and inspired by your work. I plan to spend many more hours scrolling through and learning from you.

Sassy Raggedy said...

Hi Terry, I just found your blog and love it. Your candy is wonderful and thanks for the chance to win. I am your newest follower. Congrats on your anniversary. Joann Sassy Raggedy

Sassy Raggedy said...

By the way, Terry, your candy is displayed on my blog. joann sassy raggedy

Peggy Cain said...

Hi Terry just found your blog and I'm loving it.And with perfect timing to be in on your most generous blog candy. Happy 2nd blog anniversary and on your 29th Anniversary. I just need to find out how to become a follower of your blog I didn't see it on here did I miss it. Have a great day! Peggy C

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Terry,
Just found you through your superb candy :)
Gorgeous tag, I adore that stamped woodgrain background, it looks so real!
Thank you for the chance to win your distress markers xx
I have put a link back to your candy on my blog.
And I'm wishing that I can be lucky.
Love, Mel. xxx

MamaMarjolein said...

Love your tag! Especially your butterflies.
hugs; Marjolein

MamaMarjolein said...

Hi, me again :) I just put your giveaway on my Sidebar.


anna christensen crafts said...

I really love your tag Terry, the butterflies are gorgeous! I love the gentle colours. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging - What amazing Candy you have chosen too!

Melissa M said...

I've just discovered your blog and absolutely love the awesome tag. The butterflies look amazing with the grout technique. And Happy Blogaversary!!

LauraJane:) said...

I"M CRAZY for these MOSAICS!
Must Try it out SOON!!

Aliogator said...

Wow, that tag is great! Thank you for your generosity on giving away a set of markers! Hope you had a great anniversary and congratulations on your two years of blogging. Sometimes it is hard to blog, but you did it!

D.Ricart said...

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your lovely creations with us all. I'm glad I found your blog.

aesthetica said...

What a lovely candy and an interesting blog I found!
Would love to join.
I added a linky on my sidebar welcome:

Unknown said...

Divino trabajo el de las mariposas, me gusta este candy!!

Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

This is so awesome! Congrats with the aniversary!
Thanks for giving me the chance!

Hugs, Hilde

HeARTworks said...

Congratulations and here's to more years of blogging! thank sharing your joy! Patsy from

Cheri said...

I've got your blog candy on my side bar....thanks so much Terry.

Alix said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

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