Friday, April 13, 2012

Compendium of Curiosities 2!

Happy Friday the 13th!  Today Linda kicks off the start of "A Compendium of Curiosities 2" challenge with "Custom Foam Stamps" on page 66.  Our of respect to Tim, I cannot post instructions, but do recommend his book!  Simon Says Stamp is offering a $25.00 gift certificate to one lucky person to help kick things off.  I will also be linking this up to Simon Says Stamp and Show "A Lord Holtz Technique."
Unruly PaperArts on Facebook is looking for some altered lids, so I emptied a jar of olives the other day and saved the lid.  So for my altered jar lid for UPA, I decided to use this first technique from Tim's book!  It is actually a magnet and in the inside of the lid, I added the same glitter glass as on the butterflies body.  There are a little collection of shrinky butterflies, which I colored with alcohol inks!  I wish you could see the shimmer in the black Dyluslions spray, but we had some pretty nasty storms today and lighting was poor!

Have a great weekend and thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Great art work Terry ! It is difficult to capture the glimmer, glitters and shiny things isn't it?
    Hope your storms are settled down.

  2. Gorgeous Terry, love those butterflies! Stay dry!

  3. Gorgeous altered lid, loving the butterflies. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x

  4. Fantastic creation, Terry! And I'd say you get an extra star for being so quick to get your CCC piece in! Love the way you've done this... so glad to see you at UPA!

  5. This is a great altered lid Terry!!

  6. Wonderful altered lid- the butterfly is awesome- love the butterfly on teh edge too!

  7. gorgeous lid Terry! such rich color! xo

  8. It looks wonderful! What a change - from lid to butterfly! Valerie

  9. oh Terry Hun,you always produce some amazing work and this is no exception,this is one amazing altered lid,and that butterfly is just stunning,hugs Cherylxxxx

  10. Fabulous piece, Terry! Great altering!

  11. nice lid:) really, it would make a col orniment:)

  12. Terry, my Terry… you're so freaking talented! What a great approach to this challenge, and those beautiful blue tones just make me happy. I'm so glad you joined the CC2C, and as I always do, I love what you created!

  13. Gorgeous project, love the colors!

  14. gorgeous lid, love the colours and interpretation

  15. Very pretty piece! love it! It's stunning!

  16. Very pretty piece! love it! It's stunning!

  17. Love your custom foam stamp - and what a great idea to alter the inside of the jar lid! Instant dimension! Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show! Ellen :)

  18. Fab altered lid! Love all the dies and shades of blue!

  19. Fantastic butterfly creation Terry, those colours, wow, amazingly beautiful!! Your work should be in a gallery!

  20. I saw this on fb of course but love it and wanted to comment to let you know :)
    Have a lovely week
    hugs June x

  21. I love your altered olive lid: Truly a project that went from cocoon to beautiful butterfly!

  22. Wow! I love it. I'd love to see the shine.

  23. What a wonderful creation.. Now thats how you decorate a lid my friend..

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    Hugs, Linda

  24. WOW! Terry I love your lid. How amazing ♥ Hope you had a lovely weekend. Have a great week. Gez.xx

  25. What a pretty creation Terry! I hope to join in with the CompofCurios2 too x

  26. What a fun magnet/lid Terry, Guess I need to pick up his new book.
    Hugs Lynn

  27. Love your lid! Olives are like oysters you know! lol

  28. Wow, that's fabulous. I've still to work on this challenge.

  29. How stupendous is this!?! Awesome! I love the lid idea as well...the circular shape really makes this stand out among the rest!

  30. Your lid is awesome! I have to say, it never occured to me to do that. Hmmm...

  31. This is such a clever idea, love it
    Sophie x

  32. Fabulous work Terry, love this altered lid :). What a great, creative idea! Lovin' the butterflies!!! xx

  33. What a fabulous idea to alter a lid - love your art work, gorgeous!!
    Ann xx

  34. i will never look at my jar covers the same again!!!

  35. Hi Terry! WOW, this is absolutely amazing! How gorgeous -- suddenly I have the urge to dig through my garbage can, I know I tossed a lid the other day ago ... :) Just wonderful ... hope you have a lovely, crafty weekend!! :)

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