Friday, October 8, 2010

Cindy Adkins' Creative Spirit October

This month I decided to share something I created over 14 years ago with Cindy's Creative Spirit. There was a time when I was an avid sewer/seamstress. These vests are some of the last items that I created. The designs are my own and some of the fabrics have been manipulated to create layers. I suppose you could say altered! I never really wore these, because it is more wearable art and maybe a little too bold! Don't ask why I stopped sewing, because I don't know. Not even sure if I could come close to doing this again! I have made my DH's dress shirts, fashion jeans, evening a gown, a queen size quilt and most of my clothes at one time.

Now the quilt I still have, but it is just a glad rag now. One of my rescued Dalmatians decided one time when I left her home, to use it as a chew toy. Upon opening the door and seeing cotton batting covering my floor like snow, I kind of figured out what happened. Do you wonder if I beat her or gave her back, absolutely not. Dogs that you rescue have been for the most part abused, neglected or totally misunderstood and need extra positive attention. It is not their fault that someone did not speak dog!! To this day, I will always rescue a dog and take my chances on what little surprises they may have in store for me. There is nothing as awesome as bringing home a rescued baby and watching it grow to be a happy camper! I could go on about things my dogs have done, but that is not why you are here. However I think it takes a pretty creative spirit to figure out ways to dog proof your house and belongings! I am just thankful that bad behavior was not potty accidents, but I would have figured out a course of action for that one!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and doing something with the people and or animals that are a big part of your life. Cindy was so wonderful to have me as a featured artist on her blog, "I Owe It ALL To Him" and there is some really great inspiration there, so take a look around! I also have a post about being a new Design Team member at Scrolls Work Stamps and a blog candy offer if you would like to enter. Just leave a comment on the October 1st post. Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment.


  1. Terry these are all just beautiful, I love your designs with such great fabrics, am sure they are beautiful to touch as well. Perfect craftings for Cindys Creative Spirit. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  2. Oh Terry,
    These are positively amazing!!! Wow!!! Each one is so different and so exquisite!!

  3. Oh Terry, these are amazing!! My mom is a quilter so I have a true appreciation of the beauty and precision work of these gorgeous creations. I know you said you don't wear them because they are so bold, but aren't there a few occasions where you would feel comfortable.... a crafty outing, perhaps? Seems a shame not to exhibit them for your artist friends to see.

    That's a shame about your quilt, but yes, getting a dog down the right path is harder than guiding a toddler! We recently got two shelter kitties, one of which needed to be trained not to bite. He still gets us every once in a while, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. :)

  4. I agree - how about wearing them now! I remember when this type of work was so popular. I was so envious of everyone creating this way. Love the dog story too. Had a similar incident - came home to find dozens of hand sewn ornaments tossed and chewed! After a minute or two of frustration - I just laughed. The picture of this big boxer tossing these little things around..LOL

  5. Terry, these vest are beautiful.. I can't decide which I like best as they are all so different. I'm leaning toward the brown only because they are my colors.

  6. Terry,
    Your sewing is amazing! The vests are gorgeous and look like they must have taken a lond time! You are awesome :)

  7. These are stunning!!! You are a beautiful seamstress. You should really take it up again!!!

  8. Terry, These are Gorgeous!!! I've only done one quilt in my life and that was enough! It takes so much patience to quilt. Have you every thought about doing crazy quilts?
    I think when we master one thing then we move on to the next, I suppose thats what art is all about. learning and mastering as we move across our creative path!

  9. okay, further proof that you are totally awesome Terry! and wow on that peacock fabric, love that! xo

  10. oh very clever and colourful love the material (but I agree not to wear)you have used the peacock feathers are very Yum. may be you could wear this with a dark plain suit and white shrt though a man could look very dashing ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  11. You made these, wow what a talent.
    Congratulations on being the GA @ Cindy's other Blog. I have my piece ready to post for Cindy's challenge, better organised this month LOL. TFS Terry. Lynne x

  12. These vests are gorgeous Terry! You are so talented in so many ways! I love your dog story too, you are such a kind and gentle person. Thanks for sharing. ~Diane

  13. those are so fun, I love the peacock one!

  14. These are stunning. Like you I used to sew a lot but just seemed to stop. My sewing was NEVER this good though. And, funnily enough, we also had a rescue dalmatian, lol. xx

  15. These vests are beautiful! The quilting is amazing!!

  16. WOW -- These are individual pieces of art on vests. How beautiful. I love the colors in the peacock feather vest! You talent extends in so many different areas. So happy to be following your blog!

  17. those are work of art, I love the colors and intricate designs on the back. Congrats on being featured, I'm going over there right now.

    There's a lot of pets that need rescuing, I just don't get why people treat them badly, specially dogs. They are so sweet and kind to people, it just breaks my heart when I see those commercials about dogs being abused. You have such a kind heart to take them in with all their problems and give them love.

    Hope you're having an awesome weekend!

  18. Well Miss Terry, these are just beautiful beyond words.
    I too, had a fine hand for quilting years ago, but no longer will these hand let me enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
    You should be proud of your self.
    Beautiful work missy.
    Stampin’ Hugs Vada

  19. You MADE, you are multi-talented girl!!! Impressive.
    I sewed years ago too and took classes in design, etc. Have not sewed in years...but I did like it.
    All I sew nowadays are my cards sometimes...but these vests are wonderful!!!

  20. Congratulations to all your good news! Love the design and the bold patterns of these vests, brilliant sewing.

  21. Gorgeous vests! The colors are beautiful, so vibrant! Looks like alot of work, I wish that I was more of a seamstress!

  22. These vest are just gorgeous! But your story about the dalmatian that you rescued...(and who enjoyed your lovely quilt to shreds...)even prettier (and that's saying a lot because "gorgeous" is a pretty nice compliment!) I couldn't agree more with you about how people should treat animals...and people. That being said, I am so looking forward to following along with you and seeing and hearing more of your wonderful doings!

  23. Wow Terry, your vests (or waistcoats as we'd call them in the UK) are fantastic!!! Real works of art, like designer pieces. What a talented seamstress you are!

    (You're so kind taking in homeless dogs and despite a few mishaps, no doubt they do give you so much back in return)

  24. These are wonderful vests, it just so happens I found some of the patterns in my stash the other day for pin weaving vests, these really bring back so wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing, love to see all types of crafts.

  25. Hi Terry,
    Hope you're having a happy Sunday!!!

  26. WOW.. these are wonderful. You do have a way with fabric.. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend...

    Hugs. Linda

  27. Beautiful vests! Way to use the things you have at home, Terry.

  28. Again... so beautiful!Thanks for following along at my history blog! Looking forward to seeing all your creations!

  29. oh my goodness! these are all drop dead gorgeous! what an amazing seamstress you are! I love them all - but the teal one (with the peacock feather fabric) sends me over the moon!

  30. These are really beautiful! I am so happy to hear your outlook on rescue dogs, too!

  31. Oh Terry, I have had rescue dogs & cats & found the change in them so amazing after love & kindness!

    Your waistcoats are absolutely stunning! xxx

  32. Wow, no wonder you didn't want to wear them; they are truly a piece of art and you should be proud.

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