Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Lovely RAK Win from Sarah at Vintage Figments!!!!

Happy Days! My Postal Carrier brought me a very fine RAK package from the sweet and generous Sarah at Vintage Figments. Now I hope I did justice with the picture taking, but be assured that this is a super win! Love this package Sarah and thank you so much! For those who may not know, Sarah was the hostess last week for Louise at Tag Tuesday. Well she offered up a surprise package for one lucky person and that would be me!! Thank you again Sarah and Louise! It was great fun!

First is a nicely wrapped larger clear envelope, which had this GORGEOUS mannequin tag and then a smaller tag "created for you."
Here are the treasures within that package! Yes, some very awesome goodies!
More treasures within that package!
And another package!! Are these papers adorable or what. I just hope I can do them justice!
Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my excitement and while you are here, why not stop by Sarah's! Have a wonderful day!


  1. Congratulations, fab goodies.
    Annette x

  2. How fun, what a great stash from Sarah! enjoy your new treasures

  3. You made out like a bandit....what fun!!
    Cynthia Schelzig....Cynnie

  4. Can't wait to see you use all those goodies! Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations! Fantastic Goodies!!

  6. That was record time for the USPS!

  7. oh Terry you shall have such fun with these! you will certainly do them justice. i look forward to seeing your new creations. xo.

  8. wonderful wonderful goodies! thanks for sharing and enjoy :)! have a great weekend! *hugs* steph :)

  9. Ooh lots of yumminess there! I love getting happy post! That's one of the great perks of crafting!

  10. Lucky girl! What a wonderful RAK you received!

  11. Oh My Gosh... You lucky girl. How fun to get such wonderful goodies in the mail.. Congrats on your win.. :)

  12. Fantastic goody bag. You have quite the selection there. Can't wait to see what you create!!!!!Thanks for your sweet comment.

  13. Congratulations. I am sure you will do wonderful things with all your goodies. Thank you for visiting my blog, your kind words and becoming a follower. I have become a follower on your site and will be back to visit whenever I can. Cheers..Donna

  14. Lovely package! I've been making torsos this week for Something Completely Different.
    Thanks for following my blog! I've added you to my google reader. Love your artwork.

  15. Beautiful pics & a delightful gift my friend!!! Thanks for stopping by & adding me to your sidebar!!!

  16. Oh my gosh--this is so amazing Terry. And I love it even more because it came from Sarah--she is such a special person!!! And so talented!

  17. How lucky are you!!! Great stash of goodies!! Don't ya just love presents in the mail??? You deserve every piece you received!!! Enjoy GF and I can't wait to see the incredible pieces you create!!!

  18. catching up--congrats on the fabby goodies!

  19. You are so lucky. Congratulations. I've never won blog candy or anything. Must be my unlucky nature. hahaha Love your blog. Great...

  20. what wonderful goodies - I am sure you will have a ball creating with them! I am cracking up about the dog photos we keep sharing - I just posted an old one of my boxer sleeping on my studio (rolling) chair when she was a pup. I used to tuck her behind me in the chair so she would sleep while I created. Now she is too big for that but the memories of when she was a pup! HA! Have a great weekend!
