Saturday, October 19, 2013

Up, Up, Up and Away!

A new challenge at Fashionable Stamping Challenges and Dot wants you to " Make a Card." As always stamping is a must and there will be a prize and Top 3 selection, so get inky  and make some cards! You will want to stop by FSC and check out the gorgeous creations of the DT!
Well I have these Pan Pastels that I have only used once and thought I would pull them out for my background! I wanted a simple sky and ocean scene, so lightly applied some blue in a circular motion for the sky, leaving some lighter areas for clouds and then swiped it across the ocean floor! Once I liked the background, I did give a quick spray of sealer.
All images are IndigoBlu, gifted to me by Brenda and were inked in Archival Black. For the gears, I applied a little Treasure Gold to tone down the silver.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend and thank you so much for visiting me today!


  1. Hi Terry. I have PP's too that don't get used often enough (sad really because they cost me a fortune). The softness of the colours have created a beautiful backdrop. Great stamps too!!! Lucky you!
    Dot x

  2. Wonderful card- I love my PP's and do not use them enough! (Need some ideas for the TJ's- that would make me get them out! Love the images and the gears!

  3. Gorgeous Terry, love your card and the Pan Pastel background is stunning!

  4. A great card Terry! Love the images and the little gear charms.

  5. Your tag looks great, I always wanted to try Pan Pastels but never bought any.. I haven't pulled out my paper to create in ages. I sure do miss it.


  6. i love our card. i have pan pastels -- juts got them and haven't tried them out yet. you've inspired me with your beautiful background. this looks like a challenge i should join... happy week. xo

  7. I love the delicate sky you have created Terry, the background scene is perfect for your stamp choice, glad you like them. Hope you are having a good weekend.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  8. What a beautiful card, I love that balloon stamp and you have reminded me that I really should use my PPs more often...... Hugs, Anne x

  9. Fabulolus card Terry, the PP background is great and love the words around the balloon ! Sue C x

  10. Love how your background came out!!

  11. The background has a lovely quality to it and just simply perfect for your theme.
    Super card Terry.

  12. Just took a class with Donna Downey on PP for the first time 2 weeks ago. WOW! Love them. We made 2 canvas pieces. Landscape scenes. Will have to try them in cards because your a is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wonderful card Terry, love the colours.
    Yvonne x

  14. Hi Terry, love the images you've used with your quote. Wonderful background with the PP's, really gives a great look for the clouds.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
    Avril xx

  15. That shade of blue is beautiful Terry, love your steampunk balloon and all the gears, such a pretty creation! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  16. Okay Miss Terry, shut the front door since the 8th you have posted 8 amazing post with some fantastic work, I can't keep up with you woman:O).Tim's tags, 5 days of some gorgeous, creative, with your own special touch, day 3 is my favorite, that card made with love, gorgeous tag's..Fabulous work on Tim's tags.

  17. I just saw this on their blog,the background is lovely,love the stamped images with the pure metal ( no rust :O)) the cogs look kool, I don't know how you made that frame but it looks like rod iron very KOOL. Well this visit yikeees, full of inspiration, Have a wonderful week, and I'll try to keep up ^-^.

  18. The stamps and the text match so well on this creation Terry!

  19. Hi Terry, what a gorgeous card, love that background - great work with your pans.
    Claire xx

  20. Oh Terry, I really love this card, great steampunk feeling.

  21. I think my favorite feature is that compass on the edge. The metal embellishments are the perfect touch of steampunk!

  22. Beautiful card and just LOVE the background!!! :)

  23. wow a perfect tag, love it!
    Groetjes karin

  24. Not a difficult challenge this time, make a card, you've made a beautiful one.
    xxx Ellie xxx

  25. That sky looks absolutely beautiful - gorgeous work with the PPs. My only PPs were some samples I won, and - forgive me for being ungrateful - the colours I got were red and yellow... so far they're still unused!!

    Great card, Terry!
    Alison xx

  26. Fantastic Terry. Wish we could have a sky like that to float away in rather than the grey, miserable one with the gales in it. Jenny x
