Saturday, December 8, 2012

Snowman Canvas

Happy Saturday and that brings us to my Saturday StepXStep for Frilly and Funkie!  This was a fun project and will go to my daughter, who does not read my blog, so it will be a surprise!  For all the details and pictures, please visit Frilly and Funkie
This was really fun and something I will do more of!  Finding time to do new things is not always easy, but I am going to start!  So are you all ready for Christmas?  No, I am not either!
Thank you so much for visiting me today and I would love, love, love your feelings on this canvas.  Have a wonderful weekend!  I am flying to rainy Portland to visit my daughter and grandson for a few days, so I will be catching up to all of you on Wednesday!  Just maybe the Sun will shine while I am there! 


  1. Wow Terry...this looks like so much fun! I loved seeing how you built up the layers. A gorgeous canvas
    Dot x

  2. Love all the texture in the background! What a sweet gift!

  3. Terry this is gorgeous I love the snowman must get that die and the colours are beautiful. Caroline xxx

  4. Wonderfully frost appearance to Mr Snowman.
    Amazing texture.
    Have a lovely weekend Terry.

  5. This is gorgeous, love the textures, the snowman is so cute and frosty.
    Yvonne x

  6. Amazing texture and patina throughout - the background is stunning! What a wonderful creation... I'm sure your daughter will adore it!
    Alison x

  7. Lovely canvas, it radiates frosty feelings and happy snowmen! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Great tutorial ( yes I did go there and read it) The canvas turned out smashing! I know she will love it!

  9. This is lovely and frosty! (I don't think your Princess is feeling the fear, but she looks very happy!),

    Lucy x

  10. Gorgeous canvas Terry. Love the colours on this too....enough to brighten a young girl's room!

  11. I am sure DD will adore this! It is gorgeous, perfect shades of blue, I love it. Have a wonderful time on your visit!

  12. wow love this canvas, beautiful colored background with a lot of texture and glitters! very christmassy too!

  13. Terry, this is amazing! Love how you've built up the layers! Gorgeous gift! Hugs, Sandra

  14. Terry, how cool, that's a wonderful winter hanging.

  15. Very very beautiful Terry.

    Greetings Janny

  16. beautiful christmas hanging Terry and am sure your daughter will adore it. x

  17. Looks beautiful Terry. Off to see more about it now. Hope you have the best time away. Hugs, Jenny x

  18. Oh my, Terry! This is GORGEOUS! Please share how you made the background. The textures in the BG and Frosty are amazing, and I'd love to know how to achieve that look. Please say you will share LOL begging - really remarkable -- Thank you for sharing!

  19. should do more canvases...fabulous work! The texture of the background is amazing and wonderful!!!! Gorgeous work!!!

  20. He's adorable, Terry--and the added sparkle makes him even better!

    I'm kind of into glittery Christmas stuff right now . . .


  21. I am smiling while I am reading your blog. Your have a daughter who live in Portland with a Grandson and so do I. And your daughter never reads your blog. Mine doesn't either. I do hope you have fun on your visit my friend. Your tag is wonderful.


  22. Terry your snowman is darling!!!
    Now whats up with your daughter not reading your blog? LOL
    That's o.k my son doesn't either.

    By the time you read this you'll no doubt be having a wonderful time on your visit with her.
    Hugs Lynn

  23. Terry LOVE Your Canvas! Great detail instructions! Hope you had a wonderful time w/ daughter and grand daughter...We had 2 inches of snow yesterday, Looking Like Christmas here. Your Snowman would right at home here!
    Hugs Vada

  24. That snowman sure has some attitude - and I love how you've decorated him Terry - bet your daughter loved him. Hope you had a nice time away xx

  25. Oh Terry, your snowman is delightful! And I soooo love the colours you picked for him! That blue really is stunning and most striking! Ira x

  26. Terry your canvas is a wonder of delicious texture and chilly color! I love it!

  27. Beautiful canvas! Great layers, love that snowman!

  28. Absolutely great and so snowman sweet.

  29. Totally cool work. Love alle the blue and glitter.

  30. I'm going to take a little break.
    Sending warm wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2013.


  31. What an adorable snowman! I love the blue background with the flecks of sparkle. No snow here :( Weatherman predicts 10% chance! :( I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a great season!


  32. A great canvas - you should definitely continue to do more new things based on this! Hope your visit was fun and your daughter appreciated your beautiful work! x

  33. oh wow oh this is gorgeous hun,just wanted to pop over to say bless you for your wonderful support and to say,happy Christmas,all my love hugs Cherylxxxxxxxx

  34. LOVE this Terry! Beautiful textures and layers! Your daughter will treasure it! Love Tim's snowguy!

    Yes I had a blast with my first canvas! I've done 3 more; all different; more paint; got down and painty! :)
    Wishes and thank you for your visits and comments! Muchly appreciated!

    From A Broad
