Saturday, November 17, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

My DT Sister, Yvonne, has chosen "Home Sweet Home" for the current challenge theme at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.  With Christmas fast approaching, I decided to go with a Vintage Christmas theme.  Really stop by and see what my Teammates have created, because there is so much stamped inspiration for your viewing pleasure.  We are a stamping challenge blog, so pull out those rubber babies and get inky with us.  You may be the winner of a prize from Cottage Crafts or make it into our "Top 3" selection. 
All of my images are from Stamping Up and sadly ones I don't seldom use.  I love their older stamps, which most of these were eBay wins.  For my "Home Sweet Home,"  I wanted a viewing window.  Not to be "Peeping Tom," but I really like driving around and seeing Christmas trees through open windows.  Now I can honestly say, I have never had the pleasure of seeing that Man in Red.  How cool in our little creative world, that we can!  All images were stamped with Archival Sepia and clear embossed.  I cut a window pane from the "snowflake" picture frame (what a pain, but worth it), inked over it with Distress Antique Linen and then clear embossed the entire frame.  For Santa and the Christmas tree, I just added bits of color with Stampin Up chalks, metallic pencils and Spica Glitter pens.  When I was satisfied, I gave this a quick spray with Matt Sealer.  Added my favorite little Christmas lights and some tinsel.  It took a bit of time to color in the objects, especially with old eyes looking at very tiny objects, but I just could not leave it uncolored.  At first I was just going to add a splash of color on Santa's suit, but just could not leave it at that.

Sure hope you will join us at FSC.  Thank you for stopping by and I hope you are getting into the Holiday spirit.  Have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I also love looking through other peoples windows at their christmas decs, its such a joyful time of the year.
    Smashing card Terry and love your little christmas lights. Annette x

  2. wow! I just finished the last one! :) I better get busy on this one! Your card is gorgeous! I love the window for the theme.

  3. Oh boy, I adore your looking-through-the-window concept (apparently we're both endowed with a bit of the voyeur gene)!

    Fun holiday creation Terry!

  4. This is brilliant I love the looking through the window idea and you have done this beautifully. Caroline xxx

  5. Fab idea Terry, beautifully stamped and love the the christmas lights, such a great touch. Have a great day. xx

  6. Hi Terry...I can't stop looking through the window! So much fun and so very xmassy!!! A fun card Terry and beautifully finished. I think all the finer details look fantastic!
    Dot x

  7. Lovely card Terry, such a fab idea ! I too love seeing the glow of Christmas lights in people's houses as you drive around. Sue C x

  8. A lovely peek through the window! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Terry, that's such a fabulous idea, great card, love all the details.
    Have a wonderful sunday.

  10. Great xmas card love the window effect !!

  11. Gorgeous card Terry. Your window looks fabulous and love the little scene behind it.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  12. Love that stamp image! And how cute to make it into a window card!

  13. Great Christmas card Terry.

    Greetings Janny

  14. What a cute window card! Love it! And those little light bulbs are so cute! Hugs, Sandra

  15. Loved looking though the window, its a fantastic card.

  16. Terry
    This is a WOW card. Rich and full of nostalgia. He is a happy soul, isn't he?!!
    Love the window effect, that is so special.

  17. Girl we are so on the same page!
    I made some ATC's yesterday with Santa outside the window. Great minds. LOL
    Your Santa card is darling Terry and who knows maybe someday you might just see him.
    Hugs Lynn

  18. This is a lovely card Terry, love the idea of looking through the window! Gorgeous frame and stamping.
    Avril xx

  19. Love anything where you can peek through a window or door... this is so festive, Terry - you might finally have pushed me over the edge into Christmas crafting!
    Alison x

  20. Wonderful card. I'll be looking for that man in red when I take the grandkids to look at the Christmas decorations.

  21. Hi Terry, what a gorgeous Christmas scene. I love the window idea, such a clever idea. I too love to see Christmas trees through peoples windows
    Claire xx

  22. Beautiful card Terry. I like to drive around and look at people's windows too, well at Christmas anyway......LOL

  23. Wow Little Lady! Thats One Major Wonderful Tag. Funny thing I sold that set of stamps, due to all the small coloring. Have a great week-end. Packers Won AGAIN!!!!
    Hugs Vada

  24. a gorgeous warm christmas card!

  25. this is sooooo cute. how clever to have the Christmas light garland at the top! I hope you are doing well (my post pea election friend) and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


  26. Christmas always looks lovely through people's windows and this card captures that! The colouring was definitely worth the effort and the little lights are super cute!

  27. Fabulous colouring Terry. The Santa and toys look perfect behind the window and lucky you with your ebay wins.
    Have a great week.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  28. What a wonderful card. Love the window scene you have created.


  29. I feel like a voyeur peeking in your holiday window. This is one gorgeous window! Love how you've strung the lights outside and taken the time to color the tree so magnificently. Gorgeous!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving, T.

  30. Hi,
    Your card is so beautiful:)
    *Hugs, Inger*
