Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Triple Play!

Oh boy I am just sliding in without much time to spare!   Lisa's Bloggers Challenge is all about color and I do love Brown and Green.  Inspiration Emporium's challenge at the Inspiration Journal is Bring on the May Flowers.  Last and certainly not least, Linda's  CC2#7 challenge is Brushless Watercolor, to be found on page 49 of Tim's fabulous book.  Again, we can't tell you about the technique, but I did it on two neutral backgrounds with a green and a brown color!   Daisy of Eclectic Paperie is offering a very nice $25.00 gift certificate for this week's challenge!  Thank you, Daisy!

The center green flower was done using a two way adhesive tape.  I die cut the flower and removed the protective paper, pressed down some avocado netting (you can see it), using the backing.  Make sure you press this in really well.  I sprinkled my first color of Glitter Ritz (I hate glitter), burnished this and then removed the netting to add my second color of glitter.  The other flowers glassine paper embossed and then I added seed beads. 

I can't believe how the time really flies.  My DH took this week off and we have been quite busy, so I was happy to get in the time this AM to work on this!  Hope you all are having a great weekend and thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Gorgeous Terry, love how you used the seed beads too!

  2. that's lovely Terry. The beads add a very pretty delicate touch. I've never used those hmmmm...I feel a new purchase coming on x

  3. Wow this is stunning Terry!!! Love the little beads on the tips of the flower petals!

  4. This is terrific, Terry (I know you are not Spam, I would know you anywhere!)

    Lucy xx

  5. Oh Terry, I love your background on this piece!!! Great colors too.
    Aii in all One Gorgeous piece!
    Hugs Vada

  6. This is lovely with all those gorgeous layers! Valerie

  7. oooh I love these colours Terri...gorgeous! And so many really effective techniques (love the netting idea). Love it
    Dot x

  8. Wow! Do I really love how those flowers turned out! Awesome!

  9. Wow, das sieht super aus.
    Wunderschöne Kreation.

    Liebe Grüße

  10. Love the flowers, they are gorgeous and I love the seed beads. Thanks for joining us at blogger's challenge this week.

  11. How pretty! Love the BG, added dimension and beads on the blossom! Thanks for playing along with the Bloggers Challenge!

  12. Stunning Terry, So glad you got in some play time. Enjoy the time with hubby! I'll catch up with you next week.
    hugs Lynn

  13. Loving your tag with its gorgeous beads Terry. Enjoy the weekend my friend, Annette x

  14. So beautiful, Terry!
    xxx Margreet

  15. Terry this is gorgeous, beautiful background and I love the netting technique you have used on the flower.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  16. A very impressive card Terry!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  17. This is wonderful Terry...I'm curious, what did you use to adhere your seed beads?

    And thank you so much for trying to catch me in time. If I wasn't running so behind all the time, I would've been able to participate. I just saw it this morning, or I would've definitely joined in.

  18. Stunning card, love what you did with the flowers!

  19. Hi Terry
    I am sorry I have been absent but know you understand - thank you.
    This is divine, the colours and that incredible texture, talk about the WOW factor.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  20. Where do I start! Lurve the background to bits, and the flowers - oh my goodness! How did you summon up the patience to deal with the netting/glitter/seed beads? Must have been a labour of love. Just stunning. Running out of superlatives now, thanks for sharing, hugs Buttons x

  21. Gorgeous, Terry! Love that avocado netting... what awesome texture and pattern it gives the flower! The background is killer, too. Have a great weekend!

  22. Fantastic! Love the flower and the beads and all the layers!

  23. Such gorgeous texture - love all the dimensions.

  24. Looks amazing my friend.. I just love all those yummy layers.


  25. love this and the beads look great!

  26. What a superb looking flower this is Terry, love the use of those fine beads, what a find!

  27. Wow, how fantastic, such a wonderful card. Love the use of all the little pearls.

  28. This is lovely. Thanks for your comment on my blog. We came from SO CAL over eight years ago and love it here. I am sure your kids will be happy here. Its a slower paced life for sure.

  29. Fabulous dimension on this gorgeous card Terry. I love the colours and design.
    We are in June now, 9 more weeks and I will be in your wonderful country. Can't wait (but I have to!!).
    hugs {brenda} xox

  30. Lovely! Wonderful beading, fabulous job
