Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful!

This weeks challenge at Gingersnap Creations GC83 is Polar Animals!  Well I was all excited, because I knew I had just the perfect Penguin stamps - NOT!  Apparently that was all in my imagination, because I looked at least three times and not a one!  Some how I did not think the GC DT would fall for a black and white owl!!  So my third project as a visiting artist is my very first attempt using graphics off the computer.  We are also entering this with the Artistic Stamper's Christmas challenge.

This adorable Penguin image is from Karen at The Graphics Fairy.  Thank you Karen!!!  I printed a second image, because I knew I would cut out the Penguin and put him on pop dots for added dimension.  I did a little icing in all the areas that the large and smaller Penguins stand and this was done with several layers of clear embossing powder and one layer of iridescent ice.  The only coloring I did on this one is the feet and beak!  The sentiment is from I Brake For Stamps.

During this especially busy time of the year, your taking the time to visit and comment is truly appreciated.  Wishing all of you the Happiest of Holidays!


  1. I Love it Terry, nothing wrong with Graphics!

  2. oh this is just so beautiful,just gorgoues hugs cheyrl xxxx

  3. Great tag you made with the penguin image! Love that trim around the edge!

  4. Too cute and love the little red bow on his neck :)

  5. This is really fantastic! I love the image and the dimension and texture are fabulous!

  6. This is truly beautiful, the image works perfectly. And I love the colours.

  7. This is lovely! Were your ears burning this morning as I was out with a friend and she mentioned your art, so you see you are being discussed in coffee shops in South East UK!

    Lucy x

  8. Oh my gosh, it's darling!!! I love how he's popping out like that, very cool! Thanks for giving me credit for the image, that was so sweet of you.

  9. wow Terry I love your penguin!!!
    Great with thre pop really POPS!

  10. Wow Miss Terry!!! Don't you just love the Graphic Fairy? I love how you popped him up.. Great Job Terry.

  11. I love this Terry, the dots just make the graphic so special. Very (cool). Ann

  12. I love your tag ornament Terry! Great image, too! Ira

  13. Wow! I love that he is dimensional! What a classy penguin!

  14. Mr Penguin we salute you...... you are fab. Annette x

  15. He's an adorable penguin, gorgeous tag.

  16. Terry, this is just awesome! I love the layers!

  17. Hi Terry,
    Oh gosh--that is brilliant--it turned out perfect!
    And I never thought of using dots to raise something up...I always use grunge board...this turned out adorable!

  18. Love this beauty!!! Especially the way you took what would normally be a cutsie theme and made it vintage!

  19. Great image- looks great with the dimension too. Love the edge trim. Thanks for the link too...!

  20. That's a fabulous card, and wouldn't that image make a gorgeous stamp. xx

  21. Love this Terry! When I saw this card my first thought was "Oh I have to have that stamp!
    I was happy to see your little bunny ears pop up on my blog the other day. :)

  22. Hiya Terry, this is the other Terry hihihi...just love your project wowzersss fabulous penquin and colors. Thanks for sharing sweetie Hugs Terry xxxx

  23. nice and different card with the penguin...its trying to snow here again and its very cold

  24. I love the penguin you found to use and of course, I love how beautifully you used him/her!! Also, congrats on being a visiting artist with Gingersnap Creations!!!

  25. It's such a beautiful.. So cool how he is popped up! Hugs, Linda

  26. Hi Terry,
    I hope you're doing great--and want to wish you a good weekend!!!

  27. Fabby tag, and i love the edging, very glam indeed, Thanks for playing along with the Artistic Stampers team blog challenge :D

  28. It's turned out great Terry even without a rubber stamped image. Love how you've made it two dimensional! Happy holidays to you too xx

  29. happy for the last photo to see the dimension and detail--great project!

  30. what a gorgeous stamp and lovely tag! I have never seen a penguin so detailed in stamp form!
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas...and if we serve peas (doubtful) I will make sure to flick a few across the table for old times sake! :) Merry Christmas!

  31. Very creative and fun -love the red bow!

  32. (Sorry -signed in as "d" before) That's what I get for using my kids' computer! Really like the creativity and love the red bow!
