Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Compendium of Curiosities Challenge Week Six

Linda has taken us to page 66 of the "Compendium of Curiosities." I know the meaning of "Stupid is as stupid does" now, because today I have Forrest Gumped my way through this challenge. First of all I did not have the "special medium," so used Mod Podge. The use of Mod Podge was probably fine, but my idea for vintage paper was less than ideal. I did not have any old books that needed a good tearing! First attempt I printed some nice vintage music sheet paper and I put my MP on the printed side. I can't tell you #2 stupid, because it might give away too much.  Then of course I realized that it certainly would not tear very well due to the thickness!! Next step we had the most brilliant idea to use tissue paper, so we stamped words on the tissue paper. So far so good! We then added the glue which went right through the tissue paper and glued down on my surface! Ok, the next brilliant idea was to use rice paper - it is sturdy. Again with stamp and ink in hand it was stamped. This works better than tissue paper, but leaves behind little hairy legs after tearing, which we clipped and clipped. I lost the white from the rice paper and have something more cruddy gray!

Thank you Linda for taking me on this adventure and no, I did not swear once or run for a Margarita! This will be a redo with the correct materials at a later date! As always your visits and comments are deeply appreciated.


  1. lovin' this..i'd like to feel all that texture!

  2. Love this Terry, great textures and colours, terrific design as well. Annette x

  3. Very cool Terry! Great use of the tech!

  4. This is beautiful and fun!! I like the embossed background with it and the softness of the colors too.

  5. Terry, I think it turned out FABULOUSLY! Frustrating though it might have been, the end result is gorgeous, and you can't help but feel happy looking at this lovely card! Besides, it has dragonflies, and that automatically makes it a little bit magical. I love it!

    I'm always up for a margarita, by the way. ;-)

  6. Gorgeous result, and I just had to laugh at your description of the process, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but it was pretty funny to me! We've all been there. Turned out fabulous!

  7. The journey was well worth the result! Love it!!! So many textures. I love that you used the "lighter" side of Tim. So many of the Tim Holtz projects use darker colors!


  8. This is so pretty in pink I know what you mean about thickness of paper I made that mistake on mine -lesson learnt!!


  9. All the effort was worth it, your artwork turned out beautifully. Love the embossed background and the colour. Tracy x

  10. I'm laughing my butt off. Your story telling was hilarious and see: at the end you made a master piece!!!!!!

  11. I am glad I am not the only one who glued to the wrong side of the paper-I did it twice! Your piece looks fantastic. I had dragonflies in hand but thought they might be to picky to cover.The embossed background really makes the dragonflies pop. ps I love your blog background.

  12. Pretty! Just love that texture! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello! : )

  13. A great end result. Beautiful texture.


  14. Terry thanks for the lovely comments. I forgot to post that the cage is cut out of wallpaper and painted with acrylic paint and then distress ink is rubbed over it. I had a sample book of embossed wallpapers that I hung onto for years and now I know why!

  15. FUN Piece, Terry :O) So Pretty! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment on my blog :)

  16. Hey, whatz the outcome here? BEAUTIFUL! I luv it GF..

  17. This turned out so well. I love it!

  18. I like all of this interesting texture

  19. IF I get time for this challenge, I will stop back and re-read all of the paper you tried.....your write up made me laugh.....the end result you achieved is outstanding- the color is gorgeous, I love all of the embossing and the butterflies- so soft and pretty!

  20. Well all that work was worth it! This is very soft and pretty looking! Love the texture in the back.

  21. I think it came out great!! And thanks for your story...I don't have the right medium either, and you saved me from repeating your first two steps...but I'm sure I still have a few re-do's. I'll let you know!

  22. The fact you did not have the "correct" materials to hand just shows what a resourceful crafter you are. Amazing texture achieved. TFS. Lynne M

  23. what gorgeous texture and color...love the technique you used! thank you for the kind comments on my blog! have a wonderful Wednesday!

  24. It was well worth all the trial and error Terry as it's turned out wonderfully! Great background texture too.

  25. Hi Terry,
    simply beautiful & elegant!
    Have a wonderful day.

  26. Sounds like you had a lot of fun (not) sortiing this out but the finished piece is fabulous love the background and of course the altered elements look wonderful. xx Zoe

  27. LOL *with* you, of course, but seriously this is gorgeous!!! We never would have known of your trials and tribulations unless you had told us. It turned out beautifully. I can definitely relate, though... my attempt last week was so disastrous I didn't even post it, LOL!

  28. Terry I don't know how I managed to miss this one! but its fabulous all your texture makes me want to touch it. Darn computer screens, its just not the same LOL!
    A really stunning piece!

  29. Love the textures on this pretty piece of art!

  30. Its gorgeous, love your colours.

  31. stunning textural work and colour, this is a fine piece of art
    hugs June xxxx

  32. Love the colors and all the texture! The story made me chuckle! Maybe it was the pink. . .since my pink had "issues" too! lol

  33. Your CCC6 is terrific, Terry. You covered and textured a lot of the elements and background.

    PS thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

  34. I would have probably given up - well done, the finished thing loos great! Love the images you've used. Thanks for giving me a smile.

  35. This is a gorgeous piece, and we've all been there with glueing the wrong side of the paper. The thought of your dragonflies with 'hairly legs' had me laughing outloud x

  36. Wow, so pretty! Love the colors and the embossing! Great job on the challenge!

  37. I wouldn't change a single thing. It's absolutely a lovely little work of art.

  38. This is so beautiful Terry and you colours and design are superb! I love the texture you created too with the embossing. Same here with not having the correct materials and this is my first time joining the challenge even though I swore I would start at #1 :). Oh and I see no cruddy grey :D. Have a good weekend.

  39. A beautiful card!!! I enjoyed reading your process and had to smile... we learn wonderful things through journeys like this.

  40. I think the piece turned out just stunning {even with the back to front N} x

  41. Love the soft colors and anything with dragonflies or butterflies has my vote. Great work.

  42. I think it's worked really well...in the end! x
